Escort Services for Medical and Healthcare Needs (full/ door-to-door)
SG Care Angels will keep care recipients safe and ensure that they feel secure while they are out of their home for essential services e.g. medical appointments, dialysis sessions, dental appointments, physiotherapy sessions.
Our caregivers can be with care recipients throughout the session to assist with toileting needs, administrative requirements (like registration upon arrival), collection of medication, communication with medical staff and family members.
Depending on the needs of the care recipient, our escort services can be customised to ensure safety to and fro home and place of appointment only. These are situations where the care recipient feels that it may be not necessary for our caregivers to stay throughout the session with them (door-to-door).
For both types of escort services, clients can choose to engage our incidental transportation service or travel by taxi/ private hire cars with our SG Care Angel.
Concierge service (medical/ personal errands)
If care recipients are unable to or do not wish to run their errands, our team is at hand to assist. We can assist with the ordering and collection of medication, packing of medication, and delivery of medical equipment and other healthcare consumables.
For other personal needs, our SG Care Angels will run errands for clients, whether it be going to the post office or to the supermarket, with or without the client. We will usually encourage clients to go along for outside stimuli and interaction if they are well and fit Should clients not feel up to it, they can specify how they want the errands to be run and where they want our caregivers to go to. As far as reasonable, we will run the errands the way the client would do so.